I am Luke, a senior Computer Science and Software Engineering student at UW Bothell. I am a 27-year-old Taiwanese, and I have a bachelor’s degree in Spanish, but I haven’t had the chance to visit any Spanish-speaking countries.

It’s all about now or never
I usually don’t check emails from other departments; however, for some reason, I opened an email about an opportunity to study abroad in AI and Cybersecurity in Spain. I knew it was a sign from God telling me I should go and fulfill the dream I had when I was 20, which was to study in Spain.
To be honest, there were many times I wanted to withdraw from the program. As I mentioned, I am a senior now, so I should focus more on my academics and job hunting. Eventually, my romantic side won over my realistic side because I realized this might be my last chance to live with a host family in Spain and it will be my final summer vacation. I don’t want to have any regrets.

New country, new adventure
I was so nervous on my first day in Barcelona because I hadn’t spoken Spanish for years, and I wasn’t confident in my Spanish anymore. However, everything felt so familiar the moment I heard people speaking Spanish.
I really like Spanish people because they are nice, friendly, and welcoming. I admire their lifestyle; they care about their quality of life more than anything. That’s something I didn’t experience in the U.S. or Taiwan, and it made me reflect on why we always stress over assignments and quizzes so intensely. Maybe sometimes we should enjoy the moment or the sunshine we have in Washington. It might inspire us more when solving problems. I’m not a big fan of museums or history, but Europe changed me while I was living here. On the first day of school, we had a city tour of León. A history professor from the University of León gave the tour, and I was deeply captivated by his introduction. I couldn’t believe the UW center is inside a palace that’s at least a thousand years old. The interior of the palace is incredibly gorgeous, and I can’t help but think about the rich history of these places in Europe. All the museums and monuments are truly breathtaking and amazing.

Paris 2024
Money can always be earned back, but I’ll never be 27 again, seeing the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower.During the program, we had four free days to travel wherever we wanted. Some people went to Portugal, Barcelona, Gijón, or southern Spain, but we decided to go to Paris. It wasn’t my original plan to visit Paris, and flight tickets were more expensive than usual due to the Paralympics. However, I knew I would never forgive myself if I didn’t go to see the Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower.
People say ‘visiting Paris is like seeing the whole world,’ and that perfectly captures how I felt. I was fascinated by everything in Paris. I’ll never forget the emotional moment I first saw the Eiffel Tower or the awe I felt seeing the Mona Lisa at the Louvre. This is one of the advantages of studying abroad in Europe: you can visit other countries and experience different cultures at the same time.

I know it can be scary to travel abroad alone sometimes because I had the same feeling before this program. However, I met so many incredible people during this experience, and I truly feel more confident and empowered now. If I can travel to a foreign country for over a month, what can’t I overcome?
In addition to gaining knowledge about Artificial Intelligence and cybersecurity, I also learned so much outside the classroom. My Spanish has improved significantly because I had to speak with my host mom in Spanish every day, and I learned a lot about cultural differences from her as well.
This has been a life-changing experience, and I hope my story can inspire others to feel confident in chasing and achieving their dreams.”